Thursday, July 03, 2003

Fucking great. Yeah, I understand how the unemployment rate is higher since there are more people out there looking for jobs, and how that can be used to soften the blow of the high rate. But 100,000 jobs lost in the last two months? You can't really explain that away in a manner that makes 'ya feel better. No, wait, it's all good, because we're in a "jobless recovery," and those tax cuts should kick in any minute now.

Where the hell does Ari Fleischer, that shit eating little prick, get off saying that we're in a "slow recovery from a short shallow recession"? Yeah, it's a slow recovery alright, because the recession has been going on for fucking years. There's nothing short or shallow about it. Maybe I'm a little biased, since I was working in an industry where people said it was the worst downturn they'd seen in decades. I'm pretty sure, though, that things have been shitty elsewhere. We have been in a recession since Bush took office. Shit, this actually started just before Bush took office. I've heard people say that we're in danger of slipping into "another" recession, implying that we weren't already in one. Still, I'm pretty sure there hasn't been a point in the last several years where we were like "Phew, I'm glad that recession is over!" Sure, there have been signs of hope, but the signs have been small and short-lived. Also, I understand that the concept of "recession" isn't exacly one that can be described by purely objective terms, but still.

Oh, and I just realized something else. Ari Fleischer, Bush's spokesman, actually used the word "recession." Or at least, that's how CNN/Money made it look, since I don't see any quotes around that statement. But if he did use the R-word, I think that's an indicator that things must be pretty bad, because as far as I know, the word "recession" is avoided like the plague when it comes to the people who currently hold office.

While we're at it, why the hell is the economy so fucked up? As someone pointed out the other day, it's not like Americans have stopped spending. Even for people who are running low on cash, there's always credit and 45-year low interest rates to help out, but even things like that haven't helped. Still, people are tightening their belts, consumer confidence is down, retail sales are down. So what the fuck is going on? Well, a lot of this nonsense started when the dot com bubble burst, which was bound to happen and needed to happen. The sooner you get past hype and over-valuation the better. Then, there's the shitstorm of corporate scandals. Of course, we only heard about big ones like Enron and World Comm. Just imagine how much shit is getting fucked up becuase of the corporate greed that we'll never even hear about. All of it has resulted in a situation where companies are scared shitless about spending money. Instead of pushing the envelope, they're sealing the envelope. Nobody has the balls to push forward and try and get us out of this, and in most cases, rightly so. In the end, though, all this leads to is stagnation at best, and decline at worst.

Alright, I'm just babbling now, because as I said, I don't know shit about business or economics. And it's not like I'm stupid or anything, it's just that it's all so intricate and nonsensical. Maybe it has gotten so complex that the economy has turned into a beast that cannot be fed. Maybe Tyler Durden was right - we do just need to hit the reset button and start over. That's not going to happen, because that would take balls of steel. One good thing is that this makes me feel a little better about the fact that I'm probably not going to have kids, because if I did, they'd just have to put up with the mess we've created today.

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