calm down. I like looking at teenagers as much as the next guy but I'm pretty sure he busted a nut at least once while writing that article. And if I of all people am calling you out on this front then you should probably check yourself.
Gymnastics is about the only sport I can even come close to giving a fuck about at the Summer Olympics. It's no figure skating though, but of course that goes without saying because they don't have Sasha Cohen. Hell figure skating doesn't even have Sasha anymore since she's moving on to other areas of being fucking hot, but I do still enjoy the sport for what it is.
Even if I'm not as stoked, gymnastics, both men's and women's (women, right), can definitely be interesting to watch. For the men, here's me every time I'm watching one of them in competition: "Holy crap that guy's really strong." Then of course there are the "women" who never can be women because they trade going through puberty in exchange for awesome athletic ability (I found out at one point that I'm actually serious without knowing it when I say that, too). Watching them it's like, holy fuck. What they are, really, is just well-built little girls. I'm honestly not even sure I find that attractive -- stop laughing -- but either way you've gotta tip your hat to it.