Thursday, September 18, 2003

So you know what fucking irritates me? People who are so lazy, they will actually take an elevator to avoid one flight of stairs. Now, I can understand if you have some sort of physical issue that keeps you from being able to walk up and down stairs. Otherwise, what's the fucking point? What pisses me off the most is the fact that it probably takes longer to wait for the elevator than it would have to just hauled your lazy sack of bones up or down those stairs. That's like the guy who will drive around the mall parking lot for three hours just to find the closest space.

I realized I was getting too lazy one day as I was walking out of Target. I walked up to the exit, and to my surprise, the automatic doors didn't open. This was, of course, because they weren't the automatic doors I had walked up to. So you know what I did? I backed up, walked around the sensor thingys, and forward again through the doors that were automatic. For some reason, in my mind at that particular instant, it was easier to do that instead of continue walking forward while simultaneously putting out my hand and pushing the manual door open.

That was quite awhile ago, and I think I've gotten better. I will not circle parking lots or use elevators without good reason, and I will show my manual dexterity by pushing and pulling open non-mechanized doors.

On a lighter note, coprophiliacs everywhere will be happy to know that the Subway close to where I work has re-stocked their machine with chocolate nuggets.

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