Sunday, April 18, 2004

This is another thing I'm fucking sick and tired of. Actually, two things.

One is this bullshit trend of turning a personal tragedy into an even bigger travesty. Taking personal loss and trying to turn it into a cash grab. I don't want to hear any bullshit, because that's a big part of what this is. Going after not just the brewery, who was clearly at that party handing out free Coors since underage kids would NEVER drink alcohol, but after the girlfriend and her mother (who gave her the car) as well. We saw a lot of this kind of shit here in Colorado after Columbine. People who suffered a personal tragedy and decided that the world owes them. Look, I'm sorry your kid was killed. Really, I am. Well, unless if your kid was an asshole. I obviously have no idea what it must be like to go though that, and I hope that I never do. But just because something bad happened doesn't mean that you should get to shit all over common sense and decency.

The other thing, of course, is personal responsibility. Just like people suing tobacco companies well after we knew cigarettes were bad, just like people suing McDonald's because they couldn't stop feeding their fat fucking faces those heart attacks in a bag, and just like people who sue gun companies for making the guns that some maniac uses to kill people, we have people suing alcohol companies when someone else got drunk and fucked something up. And there's the bottom line, lady: your kid fucked up. Unfortunately, it got him killed. Also unfortunate is the fact that there's no one to blame but this kid. He's the one who decided to go to the party. He's the one who decided to get shithammered. He's the one who made the decision (albeit an impaired one) to drive without a license and drive that car at 90 miles an hour.

Oh, and maybe you share some blame, lady, for not teaching your kid to not be such a fucking idiot. Yes, I know, harsh bud. Especially considering the fact that this woman will probably be blaming herself for the rest of her life for what happened. As pissed off as this makes me, I'm not unsympathetic. But Jesus, lady. You - like oh so many other people in situations like this - need to stop sublimating your own anger, sadness, and frustration in a manner like this. Like I said, I obviously don't know what the fuck I'm talking about (as always) since I've never been though this. But just because you've suffered doesn't make what you're doing right. And I just don't see how you can give yourself any sense of personal closure (if that's possible with a loss like this) when you drag it out in such a manner.

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