Monday, May 24, 2004

Fuck the sun, I fucking hate it too; long live the fucking beast

One of the nice things about this time of year is that it actually rains in Colorado. I like it when it rains. Yes, I just said something positive. You're just going to have to get used to the new direction this site is taking.

Rain is neat. It's cool, and refreshing, and it smells nice. Well, except sometimes right before a rainstorm when the cow shit smell from Greeley drifts outwards. Another reason I like rain, I think, is just because I get sick of all the fucking sunshine here. That's right, I'm tired of sun. I don't need the fucking sun. It's not like I ever go outdoors anyway. Too much sunshine makes it difficult to wear pants (I hate wearing shorts, I look even more fucking retarded in them than normal) and all the nice jackets I'm always buying myself. But yeah, it's just a nice change of pace from all the bloody sun. My guess is that if I lived some place where it rained all the time, I'd be like "Fuck this rain bullshit, when the hell are we going to mix some goddamn sun in here?" I still wouldn't be wearing any shorts, though.

It's also nice to get rain here because we fucking need it. We've been dealing with a bullshit drought since, I dunno, FDR or something, and it'd be nice to get out of that. Also, the rain helps keep the state from going up in flames like it did a couple of summers ago.

And... I'm rambling. Like usual. This is hard.

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