Thursday, August 19, 2004

Well, John Kerry finally decided to respond to the attacks on his Vietnam service... By using the tired rhetoric of "bring it on." Accusing Bush of letting people like Swiftboat Veterans for Truth do his "dirty work," though, was a decent touch. I'll give him points on that one.

"We have called on Senator Kerry to join us in calling for an end to all the unregulated soft money activity that is going on in this campaign."

Stop. Just save it, Scott. Yeah, both sides (the left and the right -- not just Team Bush and Camp Kerry) are capable of being vicious, but no one plays as dirty as TB. Partly because they're the only ones with the balls to fight like that, but also just because they're the only ones who are just plain big enough assholes to do that. I know I use the example time and time again, but all you really have to say is John McCain, South Carolina. For a list of some other examples, you can look here.

Disinfopedia itself is just an interesting site, and I need to peruse it more often.

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