Monday, September 01, 2003

Hey everybody, did you hear the good news? Bush said it's going to get better! I feel good about things now!

Fucking asshole. Nothing but fluff and bullshit.

"The economy is beginning to grow, and that's what I'm interested in." Well, it's about fucking time. The economy has been in the toilet since you got here, and it's the job of the guy in charge to be interested in economic growth. I know Bush doesn't give a shit about anyone, but you'd think he'd pay more attention to the economy since his job is going to be riding on it.

"Productivity gains"? You've got to be fucking kidding me. Bush is actually trying to imply that some workers have become more productive, and because of this others weren't needed and got laid off. That is just such a stunningly assholish thing to say that it's not even funny. Yeah, lots of individual workers are more productive - because they fucking have to be in order to pick up slack for all the people who just got laid off! I saw plenty of this at my last job. In addition to seeing it all over the place, even my last few months there were spent handling a task that was previously owned by someone who had been laid off.

"We expect there to be a fair playing field when it comes to trade." What, you mean fair as in us doing things like imposing illegal steel tariffs to protect American businesses? Yeah, I want to see us doing well, but that means we have to play fair, too.

Oh, and I'm real sure that drilling for oil in Alaska is going to fix our power transmission problems. I love the language Bush uses - "give me an energy bill." Not develop an energy bill that we can work on and debate, "give me" one that contains exactly what I want.

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